The corporate philosophy and mission of the KONOIKE Group is “We pursue innovation at the foundations of our society that creates unique value, driven by respect for humanity and relationships of trust.”
In addressing issues related to sustainability, we will also aim to achieve – through the execution of this corporate philosophy – a society that will bring happiness, safety, and a sense of security to various stakeholders surrounding the KONOIKE Group, which include clients, employees, shareholders, and regional communities.
Check the KONOIKE Group Integrated Report 2024 here.
Sustainability Basic Policy

Sustainability Implementation Structure

Disclosure in Accord with the TCFD Recommendations
The KONOIKE Group recognizes that climate change is an important issue affecting the global environment, humanity, and corporate activities, and is actively promoting activities to mitigate global warming in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable and prosperous society.
The Corporate Governance Code, revised in June 2021, recommends that companies listed on the prime market should disclose information in accordance with international frameworks such as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In response, we work to enhance information disclosure on the impact of climate-change-related risks and opportunities on our business activities, etc., based on this framework. The details are as follows. The KONOIKE Group endorses the intent of the Final Report: Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.