Sustainability Basic Policy
Basic Philosophy
The corporate philosophy and mission of the KONOIKE Group is “We pursue innovation at the foundations of our society that creates unique value, driven by respect for humanity and relationships of trust.”
In addressing issues related to sustainability, we will also aim to achieve – through the execution of this corporate philosophy – a society that will bring happiness, safety, and a sense of security to various stakeholders surrounding the KONOIKE Group, which include clients, employees, shareholders, and regional communities.
Action Guidelines
- We, the KONOIKE Group will assume an essential role for people to live their civil lives with a sense of security and fulfill its responsibilities. This will be achieved through business activities in a wide variety of industries and business sectors, from production contracting and logistics operations for material products, such as steel and chemicals, and general consumable goods, including food products and daily commodities, as well as service operations contracting, such as for the medical and airport industries.
- Everyone at we, the KONOIKE Group, shares the value that safety and quality are of paramount importance. An example that expresses the sharing of this value is the corporate climate in which we wish each other safety through the greeting, “Safety first,” which is exchanged naturally and on a daily basis. Ensuring safety and quality is, of course, a way to avoid the occurrence of negative events such as occupational injuries, vehicular accidents, and quality-related problems, but is also nothing less than protecting precious lives. What is more, it enables the maintenance of stable production activities as well as the ceaseless provision of services. We believe that it is a core element that contributes to the enhancement of value for clients and ourselves, and furthermore, to the enhancement of the productivity of society as a whole.
- We, the KONOIKE Group, will utilize innovative technologies and digital transformation, and continue undertaking efforts for the resolution of issues, searching for new areas in which we may contribute, in accordance with the changing needs of society.
- The source of the added value of the KONOIKE Group are work sites and the people who work there. What is more, the relationship of trust forged up to now with stakeholders is the bond and a precious intangible asset. We will not only respect human rights but also emphasize investing in human capital, such as through the promotion of diversity and human resources education and development, to actualize the “respect for humanity and relationships of trust” that is expressed in our corporate philosophy.
- We, the KONOIKE Group, believe that when responding to issues related to sustainability, it is important to not only mitigate risks but also to consider it as an opportunity to earn profits. Toward the mid to long-term enhancement of corporate value, we will promote efforts such as intellectual property investment, including the development of technologies, and business portfolio strategies.
- To reduce the impact of economic activities on climate change, we, the KONOIKE Group will work to conserve resources and energy as well as proactively promote efforts toward decarbonization, such as the adoption of renewable energy. Through our business activities, we will positively engage in initiatives that will contribute to reducing the environmental footprint. At the same time, we will adopt technologies, promote the enhancement of performance, and contribute to the prevention of global warming and the formation of a resource recycling society.
Established: November 19, 2021
Revised: April 1, 2022
Representative Director, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer