Human Resources
Basic Philosophy
The KONOIKE Group considers the growth of people, our source of strength, an essential factor to achieving sustainable enhancement of corporate value. The 2030 Vision calls for human capital management that aims to use investments in people, such as education and training, to maximize the ability of our human resources and thereby enhance corporate value over the medium to long term.
Our current medium-term management plan advances human resource development aligned with management strategies and initiatives to improve engagement related to productivity. We began conducting well-being surveys in FY3/2023 to visualize the current state of our company as we strive to ensure the well-being (state of feeling happiness) of each employee. The Group will continue to conduct these surveys to identify issues and implement improvement measures. In this way, we build a PDCA cycle and strengthen our human capital.
In terms of human rights initiatives, we established a new human rights policy and will continue to work with our business partners to address human rights issues in accordance this policy. We are also committed to establishing a workplace environment that enables diverse human resources, including women, foreign nationals, elder persons, and people with disabilities, to maximize their abilities and contribute to value creation.
2030 Vision
(A) Pursue Human Resources Development Under Management Strategy
(a) Develop business human resources in line with business strategy
The KONOIKE Group does business in a wide range of formats, each of which requires a human resource strategy that is tailored to each individual business strategy. We set clear targets on when we need certain skilled human resources and how many, systematically developing professionals in various business divisions. To this end, a key challenge we face is creating a Group-wide human resource portfolio for not only our core businesses that have supported the company to date, but also the Airport, Medical, Engineering, and other focus businesses in our 2030 Vision.
We will establish our ideals for each business by 2030 and build a human resource management framework that backcasts the human resources needed to achieve such ideals. The Group introduced a talent management system in 2021 to visualize human resource information in preparation for this framework. We are committed to pooling management personnel, business experts, and other human resources that meet certain requirements, establishing new mechanisms to develop such resources.
(b) Develop highly specialized corporate human resources
The KONOIKE Group moved to the prime market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 2022, requiring an even higher level of governance. We therefore train professionals with greater knowledge and control capabilities in-house in corporate departments, including corporate planning, legal affairs, general affairs, human resources, and accounting. The Group has systematically promoted human resource development by maintaining hierarchal job standards for each department to cultivate advanced knowledge and skills. We track whether employees at each level meet the job performance standards outlined for their role, which vary by position This method helps identify attained skills and improvement areas more easily, enabling the Group to provide effective guidance. Tracking these factors also boosts motivation to acquire skills, equalizes hierarchy levels, and has other positive effects. The KONOIKE Group endeavors to establish a framework to develop highly specialized corporate human resources through these training methods.
(c) Develop human resources with strong problem-solving and proposal skills through cross-division collaboration
The KONOIKE Group operates and possesses a wealth of knowledge in a wide range of fields. We consider it necessary to develop human resources with high problem solving and proposal skills to improve the quality of services provided to customers and create added value. Such resources must be capable of sharing their expertise in such areas throughout the Group, leveraging such knowledge across divisions.
We aim to provide personnel with diverse experiences and broaden knowledge through active job rotations for younger employees and cross-division transfers at the management level. In terms of education, we enhance curriculum to enhance participants' problem-solving and proposal skills. We also increase exchange opportunities by holding joint rank-based and open training programs for employees of each group company. The Group is committed to human resource development from both perspectives of personnel and education through such initiatives.
(d) Strengthen expertise in technological innovation and ICT units and improve literacy throughout the Group
Rapid changes in the business environment are making it increasingly difficult to forecast business outcomes. To this end, it is becoming increasingly important to transform business operations in line with changes in the business environment. The KONOIKE Group strives to strengthen the technological innovation and ICT expertise required to transform our business. We have staff actively participate in external workshops, technology seminars, and training sessions. At the same time, we began holding the Course on Advanced Technology to Change the Workplace and the AI Programming Course to improve literacy throughout all companies. We also prepared the DX Training Course video materials in 2023, with approximately 90% of employees having already completed the course. The KONOIKE Group is committed to achieving our 2030 Vision, People, leveraging technology to reach for new heights, achieving further growth, and enhancing corporate value. To this end, we will continue to enhance our efforts to strengthen our expertise in technological innovation and ICT units and improve company-wide literacy.
(B) Raise Employee Job Satisfaction (Engagement)
(a) Instilling Our Business Principles
For the KONOIKE Group to grow and enhance our corporate value, it is important that employees trust their company, fully understand the best direction forward, and maintain a desire to contribute. Underlying this is the essential requirement for each group employee to understand our brand, which defines the Group's Corporate Philosophy and action guidelines, and puts it into practice in their daily work. To foster this understanding, we promote inner branding activities through Katariba workshops, where management and employees engage in broad-ranging dialogue. Many employees have noted that while their understanding of our brand has deepened through past initiatives, the implementation of these principles remains relatively limited. We recognize this limited implementation as an area for improvement going forward. We will provide feedback to management and supervisors, starting with senior management who exemplify our brand, to further instill our brand going forward.
(b) Pursue employee happiness
Health Management
Konoike formulated the Declaration of Health Management in February 2023, engaging in priority measures to enhance employee performance and human resource stability and retention. We take a strategic approach to employee health management from a business perspective. In March 2024, the Company was certified as a Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024 (Large Enterprise Category) for our outstanding health management initiatives. Konoike also received recognition as a 2024 Sports Yell Company in December 2023 by the Sports Agency in December 2023 for our efforts to instill exercise habits among employees as a part of our health management efforts. This is our second time receiving certification as a Sports Yell Company since first being certified in 2019.
Konoike will continue to develop organizational health maintenance and promotion activities, engaging in various measures to promote health. We will also engage in active health management to ensure the happiness of each employee through physical and mental well-being, brimming with health and vitality.
Engagement Surveys
To fully demonstrate the performance of individual employees, it is necessary to create an environment in which employees feel a sense of purpose and job satisfaction and are able to work independently. We believe there is a strong correlation between the level of happiness felt in work and performance, and that this happiness is a very impactful element. Konoike strives to ensure the well-being (feeling of happiness) of each employee amidst diversifying lifestyles and work styles. To this end, we conducted the well-being survey through Persol Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. in November 2022. This survey measured employees' sense of happiness and unhappiness at work, along with the organizational conditions that underlie these feelings. All employees recognize these survey results as the starting point for improvement activities. We are developing a PDCA cycle based on a dual approach that includes company-wide improvements to the corporate culture and improvements tailored to the characteristics of each business site.
We conducted a second survey in February 2024. While these results showed a slight improvement over the first score, we did not reach our target. Konoike strives to improve this score as an indicator while management continues to address the true feelings of employees and work to resolve issues. In doing so, we strive to create a better corporate culture. We endeavor for these efforts to enable employees to feel happiness through their work and maximize their abilities.
Human Resource Development
We feel that providing safe, high-quality services essential to the KONOIKE Group's business activities can only be achieved through people who possess the KONOIKE mindset expressed in our Brand Promise, where we strive to go beyond expectations. Further, we believe that developing human resources is one of the most important key points to focus on in supporting our business strategy.
The KONOIKE Group operates on a dual axis of on-the-job training (OJT) through practical work in the workplace and off-the-job training (OFF-JT) at facilities such as our three in-house training centers. In teaching a wide range of knowledge, from the fundamentals of safety and quality to highly specialized operational knowledge and the human and conceptual skills necessary for business management, we are working to develop programs based on our own unique educational system.
In addition, with our vision for 2030 as people, leveraging technology to reach for new heights, we will further evolve our on-site solutions to solve the problems facing our customers and society. To this end, it is important that we acquire professional knowledge and skills based on safety and quality, essential elements in a variety of workplaces. With a primary focus on front line workers, we will use our two in-house centers, the Konoike Techno Training Center*1 and the Safety/Quality Training Center*2 to further enhance job title-based training for managers, site management skills, logistics skills, practical skills, and education for acquiring qualifications. In pursuit of sustainability, it is also important to develop human resources who actively contribute to the ongoing growth of the KONOIKE Group, and who have broad perspectives and good judgment befitting a listed company in the interest of expanding our business strategy. However, in line with the policy of providing the knowledge and skills necessary to execute work tasks, fostering employees who demonstrate outstanding creativity, rational judgment, and the ability to take action, we also seek to develop the next generation of management personnel, including those at Group companies*3, through training programs for career-track employees based on years of service, job title, and individual selection at our Shimaya Training Center, as well as through volunteer external dispatch programs and more.
*1 Konoike Techno Training Center (Osaka)
Personnel acquire knowledge from general and basic knowledge, including safety and quality, to process management (5S management, analysis/improvement methods, laws and regulations, etc.), and obtain the necessary skills at contract service sites (equipment operation, maintenance, qualifications, etc.).
Equipment maintenance training -
Pinching and trapping risk experiences education -
Examples of tool control with fixed position, product, and quantity -
Equipment Maintenance Technician (Electrical) Exam preparation
*2 Safety/Quality Training Center (Chiba)
As a nationally accredited institution, this center provides forklift skills lectures and operations manager seminars, as well as a variety of other safety training programs based on laws and regulations, including safety and health promoter skills improvement education and foreman education.
Forklift skills lecture -
Driver aptitude checkup
Forklift truck operation qualification/operation manager training (cargo)
*3 Promoting the Development of Next-Generation Management Personnel, Including at Group Companies
In order to align capability levels across the entire Group and strengthen the development of next-generation management personnel, we are progressively enabling Group company employees to jointly take part in training programs for career-track employees based on years of service and job title. The available curriculum was expanded from the 7th Year Fundamental Training, New Chief Fundamental Training, New Assistant Manager Fundamental Training to also include the Manager Development Training (Beginner) program for executive management candidates. In 2023, we will further expand the curriculum to include the selective Manager Development Training (Advanced).
Front-Line Worker Education
Career-Track Education
Developing Global Human Resources
It is essential to develop global human resources to support a wide variety of customers, whether already global or pursuing globalization. By developing human resources with a broad base of knowledge and cultural understanding, the KONOIKE Group continues to deepen our integration into local landscapes, customs, and cultures, developing business that is rooted in local areas. To this end, we are developing global human resources internally and recruiting diverse human resources, including foreign nationals and international students.