Human Rights
The KONOIKE Group Human Rights Policy
“Our Mission” is to follow the corporate philosophy of the KONOIKE Group: “We pursue innovation at the foundations of our society that creates unique value, driven by respect for humanity and relationships of trust.” All the business activities of the KONOIKE Group aim to contribute to creating a society that is more convenient and comfortable, and where people can live peaceful and fulfilling lives. We recognize that in realizing “Our Mission” we must respect the human rights of all people affected in our business activities, and we have set forth the KONOIKE Group Human Rights Policy (hereafter, the “Policy”) as a guideline for fulfilling our commitment, and we will continue to promote initiatives to respect human rights.
1. Basic Approach to Human Rights
The KONOIKE Group respects the human rights of all the people involved in its business activities and strives not only to prevent but also not to encourage any negative impact on human rights. In addition, in the event of any negative impact on human rights that is directly related to our company’s business or services, we strive to prevent and mitigate it by exercising our influence through business relationships. To this end, we take the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as a framework for implementation and comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate. In addition, if international human rights are not adequately protected by the relevant laws and regulations of each country or region and their enforcement, we will seek ways to maximize respect for internationally recognized human rights in the following human rights principles.
- International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)
- ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
2. Scope of application
The Policy applies to all officers and employees of the KONOIKE Group. We also expect all of the business partners involved in the business activities of the KONOIKE Group to support and comply with the Policy.
3. The KONOIKE Group’s key initiatives for respecting human rights
Do not allow discrimination or harassment
We eliminate all forms of discrimination and harassment based on gender, sexual orientation, age, race, nationality, creed, religion, disability, etc., and we do not allow socially unacceptable behavior or behavior deemed to be inappropriate.
Respect diversity
We are committed to creating a workplace that allows diverse groups of people, including women, foreign nationals, and people with disabilities, to work easily together.
Do not allow invasions of privacy
We strive to protect personal privacy information.
Health / Occupational safety and health
With the aim of creating an appropriate working environment, we continuously pursue the maintenance and improvement thereof and make efforts to prevent injuries and illnesses.
Do not allow forced or child labor
We do not accept forced labor, child labor, or other unfair labor practices in any business activity.
Proper treatment, including payment of wages, and proper management of working hours
We comply with applicable laws and regulations, and ensure proper treatment, including payment of wages, and proper management of working hours.
Respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
We respect employees' fundamental rights to freedom of association and the exercise of collective bargaining rights.
4. Responsible person
The KONOIKE Group specifies the officers responsible for implementing the Policy, supervises its implementation, and ensures its effectiveness.
5. Human rights due diligence
The KONOIKE Group continuously conducts human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, and mitigate negative impacts on human rights.
6. Remedies and corrections
If the KONOIKE Group is found to have caused or encouraged any negative impact on human rights, it will strive to take remedial and corrective measures through appropriate means.
7. Dialogue and consultation
In the process of implementing the Policy, the KONOIKE Group promotes its commitment to respecting human rights by using independent external expertise and continuously communicating and consulting with relevant stakeholders on how to address actual or potential negative impacts on human rights.
8. Disclosure of information
The KONOIKE Group discloses the status of its efforts to respect human rights, including information related to human rights due diligence and the results of such efforts on its website, etc., in an appropriate manner.
9. Education and training
The KONOIKE Group provides officers and employees with appropriate education and training to ensure that the Policy is incorporated into all business activities and implemented effectively. It also strives to promote the Policy among its business partners.
The Policy has been approved by our company's Board of Directors.
Established April 2023
Konoike Transport Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer