Technology Innovation

Basic Philosophy

The KONOIKE Group’s business competitiveness depends on providing more attractive services, and we recognize the importance of innovation in the field to achieve greater heights in response to the recent and various changes in the logistics and warehousing industry. To this end, we opened the Konoike Institute of Technology Innovation Center (Giken IC) in March 2021, which has been at the forefront of accelerating technological innovation. It achieves this through three functions: (1) conducting experiments and proof-of-concept tests to confirm the effectiveness of new technologies and post-introduction operations by recreating various KONOIKE Group work sites at the Giken IC; (2) accelerating open innovation in which customers and vendors of new technologies gather at the Giken IC to discuss and observe the recreated sites and new technologies, and; (3) engaging in technological development with customers that meets with their future vision as part of our sales activities. In addition, we have enhanced literacy training at the group-wide level to ensure that technological innovations are instilled across the entire Group. In this way, efforts toward improvement we have taken together with field teams have gradually borne fruit. Going forward, we will continue to promote technological innovations directly related to the strengthening of field capabilities.


  • Improve our work sites through the introduction of new technology
  • Improve our work sites through the use of digital technology
  • Pursue company-wide improvement activities

Activities Strengthening Our Field Capabilities

Field Innovation by Introducing New Technology a Number of automation and labor-saving devices installed in the field
b Number of POCs conducted for introducing new technology to the field
c Number of devices introduced and technology tests at the Giken IC

Field Improvements Through Introducing New Technology

We work to introduce new technologies based on the following three perspectives: ① verifying new technology utilization methods where people and technology support each other, ② improving safety through jig and fixture developments based on work experience, and ③ improving engineering capabilities to respond early to rapidly changing work. From the perspective 
of ① , we aim to use technology to create workplaces where people can work more easily. To do so, we will verify support systems that enable even first-time workers to work in warehouse picking without hesitation and explore collaborative methods in picking operations with AGVs capable of guideless operation. From the perspective of ② , we internally develop specialized jigs and equipment based on our accumulated business knowledge and introduce them to the work sites to create a safe environment for everyone. In doing so, we ensure both safety and labor savings. From the perspective of ③ , we verify work feasibility using simulations and grasp the effects of on-site improvements before their implementation. This enables us to ensure that reliable improvements are made.

Check the KONOIKE Group Integrated Report 2023 here.

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